Your Incorrigible Story // Share Your Experience
Do you have the information you’d like to share with Incorrigibles? Did you or a family member spend time at the New York State Training School for Girls in Hudson or a similar institution? Were you deemed ‘incorrigible’?
We invite you to share your story by leaving a voicemail message or writing a letter or email.
To leave a voicemail, please call: +1 (478) 227-8649
If you have any questions or comments, please email
You can also email Alison Cornyn, the Incorrigibles Project Director at
Letters may be sent to Picture Projects at 76 Lafayette Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11217.

Home School for Girls
Sauk Center, Minnesota
Open from 1911-1999

Industrial School for Girls
Lancaster, Massachusetts
Open from 1854-1975

State Home for Girls
Trenton, New Jersey
Open from 1871-late1900’s

State Training School for Girls
Hudson, New York
Open from 1904-1975